How to get more likes on Facebook (5 steps).
We are want to get more likes on Facebook!. Opening this post alone verifies this. Here are some tips you'll need to keep in mind while posting something in order to get more likes.
1. Use more of pictures:
Research shows that pictures tend to get,
(a). 53% more likes
(b). 104% more comments and
(c). 83% more click-throughs.
So, in conclusion, ensure you integrate pictures into your post, it'll attract more likes.
2. Reduce the size of your post:
Post with characteristics or words which are 80 or less tends to attract more post engagement(likes and comments). No one likes to read too long text. Try and keep things short and straight to the point.
3. Ask questions through your post:
Post that Ask questions has proved to attract 100% more comments that those that are just there. This should be enough reason to remodel your post into a question format. It forces words into peoples mouth.
1. Time to post:
There isn't any particular time slizzed can say you should drop a post. This is because the time your friends are active differs with another person's. However, according to slizzed statistics, 3pm works well. Just test and see which works best for you.
2. Day of the week:
You should notice which Day has the highest activity, "use your news feeds". Slizzed statistics shows wednesday is really active. Just be observant, you'll know which Day is best to drop a post. Slizzed suggest you go for days with less activity, it reduces the competition.
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