How to Gain Weight Fast for Nigerians.
People find gaining of weight pretty difficult. To me, I believe it's cause your eating the wrong kinds of food. Well, that wouldn't be an issue anymore after reading this post. Here's a breakdown list of African (Nigerian) foods that'll work pretty well in Making you gain weight pretty fast. Make sure you stick to them!.
1. Endeavor to take more of solid foods:
Foods like pounded yam, amala, egusi etc, has proved to perform greatly in getting people fat. These foods are called solid foods. This is because of the high calories they've got, avoid wheat meals as they do the opposite of the latter. Endeavor to consume adequate amounts of these foods. Trust me, you'll add up some weight in no time.
2. Consume enough noodles:
These are foods like spaghetti, indomie, macaroni and many more. They are made from flour therefore they contain calories. The greater the amount you consume the better, just suit up dear.
3. Eat snacks:
Snacks also come packed with great amounts of calories. Endeavor to consume them, they'll definitely help in actualising your dreams of gaining weight.
4. Integrate palm oil I'm your meals:
Not only is palm oil packed with calories, it is also packed with saturated fats which helps in weight gain. Fournately, a whole lot of Nigerian foods are packed with these, just dive in!.
5. Soft drinks:
These will help in weight gain as they also contain calories. Try taking them at least once each day.
6. Fried foods:
These are also good source of weight gain. Consuming fried chicken, yam, potatoes and etc, do help in weight gain. Aside this, they give a good eating experience. Avoid baked foods.
7. White rice:
They are known for high calories content. Consuming them helps you to Gain Weight quickly. However, endeavor to avoid brown rice.
8. White bread:
White bread also has a record of increased weight gain for people. You could also combine the bread with other foods to give you a nice eating experience.
9. Milk:
Milk are really good in weight gain. Consume at least a glass each day.
10. Egg:
Taking this with milk is really effective. However, frying it still works. You could use it for egg sauce too. There are various methods of ingesting eggs, you could ask slizzed for help. You should take this atleast 3 times a week to Gain Weight real quick.
Well, for now that's all. The above mentioned foods could be combined to get a higher weight gain rate. You could contact us for help on our Facebook page ( just type slizzed), it's an educational page. Alternatively, you could use the comment box. Slizzed is always happy to help out!.
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